Cis Kacang Buncis Enclek! {Playdate at Puppet Museum}

Our first playdate in 2017 is at Museum Wayang (Puppet Museum) which was held on Tuesday, since on the weekend the Museums at Kota Tua (Museum Wayang, Museum Seni & Keramik, dan Museum Fatahillah) are usually really packed, so we choose weekday so our munchkin can roam the museum more comfortably.

As usual, we have 3 parts of activities, enjoy nature, zoom in to nature, and inspired by nature (EZI)

1. Enjoy nature
- Circle time Picnic: sing along and sign language
Circle time: If you happy and you know it play your puppet!

Image result for puppet sign language
Sign language for puppet

- Gardening (watering the plants) Thank God for the lovely weather :)
Watering the plants
Queuing for the water

Moms enjoying nature too

2. Zoom into nature
- Sensory play: slime insect hunting games
Rescue the insect!
- Guided museum tour:
The wayangs are using natural forms such as human and animal, and they are made from real bulls' leather and using natural pattern inside the wayangs such as plants, waves, etc
Our tour guide

Giant wayang
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and indoor
Puppet from Batak: Sigale-gale

Wayang's detail using nature's pattern

Wayang betawi Si Pitung

History wayang: Indonesian Proclamator 
History wayang: Bible stories
History wayang: Admiral Cheng Ho

Childhood wayang: Si Kancil
Childhood wayang: Unyil Family
Childhood wayang: Bamboo wayang for little dalang practice
Kids enjoying the museum

3. Inspired by nature
Recycle art & craft: Diy Unyil puppet from toilet paper roll and yakult bottle
Storytelling time, our kids will make their own story

Diy Unyil Puppet (recycled craft)
Storytelling time!
My diy Unyil

Happy museum goers

Say Cheese! kacang buncis :)

Thank you for coming!

See you at the next museum playdate!

Please join our FB group Jakarta Museum Playdate for more info and updates.
